Gucci serial number 163804 3260
Gucci serial number 163804 3260

  1. Gucci serial number 163804 3260 serial number#
  2. Gucci serial number 163804 3260 code#

Gucci serial number 163804 3260 code#

Many modern Gucci bags will also have a QR Code printed on a tag located next to the leather tag (that contains the style number and supplier code) in the interior of the bag. While both are helpful tools for authenticating, two or more products can share the same "style number" whereas no two products would share the same "serial number".

Gucci serial number 163804 3260 serial number#

In a Gucci bag a serial number serves as a way of protection and insurance for costumers to make sure they have their original stylish and good looking bags. 1.6 Step 6: Real vs fake Gucci belt dust bags.

gucci serial number 163804 3260

1.5 Step 5: Inspect the golden screw on the rear side. 1.4 Step 4: Real vs fake Gucci belt buckle pin. 1.3 Step 3: Fake vs real GG buckle in a Gucci belt.

gucci serial number 163804 3260

1.2 Step 2: Verify the serial number embossing. Why do we care whether it's a "serial number" or "style number"? Because, technically, a "serial number" is an identification code unique to that exact product. Whereas, a "style number" is a code unique to a group of products that share the same characteristics. A Gucci serial number is a sequence of 10 to 13 figures, usually in two rows. Gucci Sunglasses.Series GG0382.Color code: 003.Shape: Browline.Lens Width: 56 mm.Lens Bridge: 18 mm.Arm Length: 145 mm.100 UV protection.Non-Pola. 1.1 Step 1: Check the interior side of the belt fake vs real GUCCI text. Many fakes get this wrong, using a wide, blunt font similar to Helvetica or Arial. New in Gucci Box Style 423300 895 MSRP Mystic White Leather Upper Silver Tone Gucci Plaque Lace Up High Top Styling White Rubber Soles with Gucci Script Padded Leather Insoles Made in Italy. The font used on Gucci's "style number" and "supplier number" has serifs similar to the Times New Roman font. This number does not operate like a "date code" and will not inform you of the year or date when the bag was made andĦ. "Style numbers" and "supplier numbers" are comprised of only numeric figures and never include any alphabetic letters ĥ. Little information is provided as to the factories or locations corresponding to supplier numbers, however, it generally appears in groups of 4 or 6 digits Ĥ. The second line of digits is a "supplier number". The first line of digits is a "style number" that should also appear on the bag's price tag (when purchased new) and is usually 6 digits long (but, occasionally, 5 or 7 digit style numbers are used) ģ. It is more accurate to label this number as a "style number" and "supplier number" Ģ. This number is often referred to as a "serial number", however:ġ. Each Gucci watch comes with its original. Here's what you need to know.Īll modern Gucci bags have a number debossed into a leather tab in the interior of the bag. WatchesOnNet offers a secure site, 100 customer satisfaction and a hassle free return policy on all our 100 brand new authentic Gucci luxury watches.

gucci serial number 163804 3260

The question persists: Do Gucci bags have serial numbers? Well, yes and no.

Gucci serial number 163804 3260